Why I’m Running

It seems like every election year all you hear is that this election is the most critical election ever, and your freedom depends on it. I, like most Americans, have probably shrugged it off as if yes, it is important, but our freedom isn’t really on the ballot. Well, how times have changed, and so has my mind. After watching what President Trump did with our country from 2016-2020, (I can only compare his work and patriotism to that of Reagan.) my pride has strengthened.

Trump’s leadership opened my eyes to how great this country is, how great it can be, and how hard we must work to restore our greatness.
The pride I felt for those four years was unlike anything I had felt before when it came to my country, and the direction it is headed. I have never seen a greater divide in the nation than there is now. Make no mistake about it; it wasn’t President Trump. This all started back with Obama, Hillary, and Biden when they labeled us as gun toting, bible clinging Americans.

For four years President Trump made this country grow and prosper. All the time battling one lie after another, all put out there by the Democratic party. During that time, the dysfunction of our government and biased media started to make sense and alarm me.

Example 1. The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign.
Highly illegal and nothing was done about it. An example of election interference.

Example 2. Hillary and the DNC made up and paid for the Russian dossier. Again, highly illegal and nothing was done about it. Another example of election interference.

Example 3. Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden bragged on national tv about denying billions of dollars in aid if the prosecuting attorney  in Ukraine investigating Hunter Biden wasn’t fired. Biden acted out the definition of Quid Pro Quo for the world to see, and nothing was done.
Trump, on the other hand, called and asked about the transaction, and was falsely impeached. He did NOTHING wrong.

Example 4. Kamla Harris, Vice-President of the United States, is on tape saying that the riots of 2020 must go and should go on. Kamala also supported the fund to bail out rioters who burned cities and government buildings down for over one hundred days. Nothing at all ever happened to her. President Trump encourages voters to peacefully protest and gets impeached again while the protestors are sent to jail without representations.

Example 5. Our two-tiered justice system is alarming and unfair.
Hillary deletes 32,000 emails, destroys Blackberry phones and computers with hammers, and erases all files left with bleach, and NOTHING was done about it. President Trump declassifies boxes of documents “which is legal” and is told by FBI/CIA to put another lock on the door. He does, but later has his home raided by armed FBI agents. A year later documents are found in multiple unsecured places from Biden, and still to this day NOTHING has been done. By the way, all those documents were taken while Biden was in the Senate and Vice President. Neither position can declassify or remove documents. That is illegal.

It has been two and a half years since Trump left office, and they are still trying everything they can to keep him out. We must elect more people that are willing to fight for what is right. Candidates that won’t back down to the left, and demand we meet in the middle and work together. Sometimes you must stand up for what you believe and say wrong is wrong. No matter how you water it down or change the definition to make it sound better, wrong is still wrong. As your elected senator, I will not bend or back down.

I know I have a huge mountain to climb, and the whole deck is stacked against me. I truly feel that the time has come for average, everyday Americans like me, to stand up and make our voices heard. I don’t believe you need a law or doctors’ degree from an Ivy League school to be qualified to run for office. That Elitist mentality is what has put us in our present position. We put people in office because they are “highly educated,” and think since they have that degree, they must be the best choice. Those choices have given us candidates that could really care less about the people they represent and are just looking for a title and recognition. Those “highly educated”
choices have put us $32 trillion in debt.

I am not a politician, doctor, attorney, nor do I have an Ivy League degree. I’m a small business owner and rancher, who knows and feels what the choices and decisions made in Washington do to us here at home. I know what it feels like to have had affordable health insurance, a doctor of my choice, and now can no longer afford it. I know what it feels like to try and survive when the products I use for my business go up 87% in two years. I know what it feels like when the price of feed becomes extremely high, and I must decide to sell when the market is down or keep feeding. I know what it feels like to have either option be a loss. I don’t think career politicians think about, care about, or understand. I’m not your average senate candidate for sure. What I am is a genuinely concerned American citizen that loves his country and has decided to stand for what I believe is right, and fight for what I love.

If you feel the same way as I do, please reach out to me. If you can get a group of concerned Texans together, that are willing to listen to what I would like to see accomplished and changed in Washington, I will do everything I can to make it happen. If you can find the people and a place, we will find a date and make it happen.  Help me keep Texas strong. Your support and prayers are greatly appreciated.

Thank You,
Rennie Hill Mann