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How can we get our country back on track? How to preserve our Constitution and get people value and honor it? All this core questions have been evolving in our minds for years. And now we have all the answers to them. Join us and change your future.

What I would like to help accomplish:

  • Border Security
  • Rebuilding our Military
  • Entitlement Reform
  • Energy Independence
  • National Debt
  • Put America First

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Rennie Hill Mann for US Senate

Rennie Hill Mann for US Senate

Campaign page for the US senate

I have these flyers available for anyone who would like to help spread the word.  If so, call or text me letting me know how many you would like, and I will get them to you.  Also, if you would like to schedule a date for me to come speak give me a call and we will make it happen.  My cell is 325-452-0090.
Thank you for your support!

I have these flyers available for anyone who would like to help spread the word. If so, call or text me letting me know how many you would like, and I will get them to you. Also, if you would like to schedule a date for me to come speak give me a call and we will make it happen. My cell is 325-452-0090.
Thank you for your support!
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3 weeks ago

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Get me a box ready!

I'll take a box!

Ill take a box!!

Grassroots baby

Casey Austin Pitchford

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I just saw on the news where Senator Cornyn joined other Senate and Congressional Republicans condemning the New York verdict. My question to Senator Cornyn would be, where have you been the last three years when this circus show started? Silence says more than words. ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

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Yes! Would love to hear the response to that great question.

Cornyn is a deep state traitor.

Rennie Mann, you are exactly right. I believe that you find out who your friends are when times get rough. You know who is in your corner when all the lies, betrayal, condemnations hit at your doorstep and they don’t run and hide because they know the real person you are and won’t stand for anything less than the truth. We the “Republican Party” at some point are going to have to come together to defend and protect not just Donald J. Trump but all Americans from this type of political bulldozing.



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Take a look at the top row. This chart tells you the conservative score each of our elected officials in the state have recieved. This chart says it all. Take a look at who’s in your district and see what score they have recieved. You might be surprised.

Take a look at the top row. This chart tells you the conservative score each of our elected officials in the state have recieved. This chart says it all. Take a look at who’s in your district and see what score they have recieved. You might be surprised. ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago
I had a great time at the Texas GOP State Convention last week. The response that I recieved was overwhelming. I want to thank the convention for the invite and everyone that took time to stop by and see me. Most of all I want to thank my family and friends.  I couldn’t do this without yall. Thanks for all the calls and text wishing me luck. I actually had two wonderful lady’s come into my booth and pray for me. What a special feeling that was. 
We are starting to work on dates for me to go speak and visit with groups all over the state. Once we start getting those in I will let you know.Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

I had a great time at the Texas GOP State Convention last week. The response that I recieved was overwhelming. I want to thank the convention for the invite and everyone that took time to stop by and see me. Most of all I want to thank my family and friends. I couldn’t do this without yall. Thanks for all the calls and text wishing me luck. I actually had two wonderful lady’s come into my booth and pray for me. What a special feeling that was.
We are starting to work on dates for me to go speak and visit with groups all over the state. Once we start getting those in I will let you know.
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4 weeks ago

Texans like Rennie Hill Mann for US Senate are taking a stand against special interests and dark money!

Please join us in thanking him for signing the Candidate Pledge 🇺🇸

Join Rennie in standing For Our Freedom: americanpromise.net/sign-the-pledge/
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1 month ago

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You’ve got our vote

Just a friendly reminder.

Just a friendly reminder. ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago
I made it to San Antonio for the Texas State GOP Convention. I must say, I was a little overwhelmed walking in to set up. It’s showtime tomorrow. Wish me luck and prayers are welcome.Image attachmentImage attachment

I made it to San Antonio for the Texas State GOP Convention. I must say, I was a little overwhelmed walking in to set up. It’s showtime tomorrow. Wish me luck and prayers are welcome. ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

Comment on Facebook

You got this! 🙌🏻

Best of luck Rennie!!

Best of luck! ❤️🤍💙

Good luck. Wish you the best.

Good Luck Rennie! The booth looks amazing! Sending prayers 🙏🏼🇺🇸

Good luck🍀

Very proud of your time and verasity! Go Rennie! ✝️🙏🥰

Good luck Rennie!! 🌟

Good luck! 🍀

Good luck

Good luck! I’m so proud of you and what you stand for❤️

I always knew you would be a politician sep!! Good luck 👍

I will be praying!! Good luck!!!

You got this! And our prayers are with you that God will bring the right people into your path, He will fill your mouth with the words to say, and He is your confidence and strength.

Best of luck! ❤️🤍💙 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷

Good luck your booth looks great.

Best of luck! Our thoughts and prayers with you!

Best of luck to you Rennie prayers for all

Good luck!! ❤️

Good Luck!!

Kick butt and win their hearts, like you have ours!

You got this bud! 🇺🇸👍🏻 Good luck!

Prayers and luck Rennie ❤️❤️

Lots of luck Rennie!

Best of luck!! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

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2 months ago
Happy Easter from our family to yours.

Happy Easter from our family to yours. ... See MoreSee Less

3 months ago
Couldn’t have said it better myself!

Couldn’t have said it better myself! ... See MoreSee Less

3 months ago
Well it looks like things are fixing to start picking up. I recieved an invitation to the Texas GOP Convention in San Antonio May 23-25 and just confirmed my booth. We will be in booth 208/210.  This is extremely exciting but nervous at the same time.  Thank you all who have supported me so far to get me where I am today. Please say a prayer for me and my family as we get this campaign on the way.

Well it looks like things are fixing to start picking up. I recieved an invitation to the Texas GOP Convention in San Antonio May 23-25 and just confirmed my booth. We will be in booth 208/210. This is extremely exciting but nervous at the same time. Thank you all who have supported me so far to get me where I am today. Please say a prayer for me and my family as we get this campaign on the way. ... See MoreSee Less

4 months ago

Richland Springs part 4 ... See MoreSee Less

4 months ago

Richland Springs part 3. ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago
We had a good turnout tonight in Brady. I would like to thank the Heart of Texas Republicans for the invite. We met a lot of good people, and look forward to meeting more.Image attachment

We had a good turnout tonight in Brady. I would like to thank the Heart of Texas Republicans for the invite. We met a lot of good people, and look forward to meeting more. ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

Richland Springs part 2 ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

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I believe everything you just spoke about...vote for Rennie!

Richland Springs part 1 ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago
I will be at the Heart of Texas Events Center in Brady this coming Monday the 29th. Come by and get to know me and where I stand.

I will be at the Heart of Texas Events Center in Brady this coming Monday the 29th. Come by and get to know me and where I stand. ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago
This past week I was contacted by TJ Weeks with the Hill Country Veterans Alliance.  TJ’s main concern was to talk about the suicide rate of Veterans and how we can stop it.  Being a supporter of our military and veterans I said absolutely. I really had no idea what I was in for and to say that I was shocked and disappointed in my government would be an understatement.
Let me back up a little bit.  Our band has always played for the HCVA Soldiers dinner every year and always loved doing it.  This past year while we were setting up, I heard TJ say something just before the prayer and it was something that hit me pretty hard and was hoping I just misunderstood what he said.  He said that twenty-two veterans commit suicide every day and was trying to make everyone aware of it and help to stop it.  Twenty-two veterans a day!  I said to myself that can’t be right and started looking into it.  Sadly, it is very true and to make it worse, the 22 in on the low side.  Its actually about 35-49 suicides a day.
So yesterday I showed up in Goldthwaite, Texas with really no idea what to expect and why me?  I am a nobody running for office against a giant just trying to make a difference in my country and help make it great again.   So, I walk in, and TJ was doing a veteran hunt and there’s a pig just pulled off a smoker, veterans laughing and cutting up with each other.  TJ sees me and introduces me to everyone and said Rennie is running for the US Senate and wants to know how we feel about the VA and why the suicide rate is so high.  The room immediately turned silent and there was no more laughing and joking.
For almost three hours all I did was listen to story after story and did very little talking myself. As I listened, I tried to look each veteran in the eyes and what I saw in their eyes said more than what some were saying at times.  What I saw in their eyes was neglect and a feeling of being unappreciated or that’s the way I felt anyway.  These people VOLUNTEERED to protect our country and have gone through things that we can’t even begin to imagine.  When they come home or need help, they shouldn’t have to wait to see someone for help whether it be physically or mentally.  One veteran told me just to have someone to talk to means the world.  He said, “I’m not looking for answers, I just want to talk”.  I heard about opening the box and sometimes needing help to close it.   I met a veteran that went from a pistol in his mouth to being a paster because he decided to call another veteran for help instead of pulling the trigger.  Veterans committing suicide in the VA parking lot because they are tired of waiting for help.  I heard things I will never forget.
Here are just a few things they said they would like to see done and I don’t think its too much to ask and really can’t believe it hasn’t been done yet. 
1.  They would like military doctors and nurses to help them.  People that can relate to them and know what they have been through.  
2. Reduce the wait times to get help.
3. More communication on where you can go for help and veteran organizations around the state that are there to help and be a part of.
4. Have places in the rural areas of the state to go get help not just the big cities.
5. Last but not least, quit making it so hard to get help.  Some just quit trying because its too hard to get help.

My number one thing I talk about at my campaign events is putting America first and stopping our wasteful spending. There is no reason why we can’t train our military to do these VA jobs and give them the pay needed to keep them.  When I say put the American people first, I mean it and I think we need to start with our Veterans.  Let’s stop the wasteful spending, keep our tax dollars here at home and take care of our own first.
There are numerous veteran organizations throughout the state.  Please help spread the word that there is help out there.  This is a problem we can fix.  Thank you, TJ and Kris, for having me and if there are any other Veteran organizations out there that would like for me to come talk or listen, I’m only a phone call, text or email away.
My email is rennie@rennieforussenate.com and my cell number is (325)205-0090Image attachmentImage attachment

This past week I was contacted by TJ Weeks with the Hill Country Veterans Alliance. TJ’s main concern was to talk about the suicide rate of Veterans and how we can stop it. Being a supporter of our military and veterans I said absolutely. I really had no idea what I was in for and to say that I was shocked and disappointed in my government would be an understatement.
Let me back up a little bit. Our band has always played for the HCVA Soldiers dinner every year and always loved doing it. This past year while we were setting up, I heard TJ say something just before the prayer and it was something that hit me pretty hard and was hoping I just misunderstood what he said. He said that twenty-two veterans commit suicide every day and was trying to make everyone aware of it and help to stop it. Twenty-two veterans a day! I said to myself that can’t be right and started looking into it. Sadly, it is very true and to make it worse, the 22 in on the low side. Its actually about 35-49 suicides a day.
So yesterday I showed up in Goldthwaite, Texas with really no idea what to expect and why me? I am a nobody running for office against a giant just trying to make a difference in my country and help make it great again. So, I walk in, and TJ was doing a veteran hunt and there’s a pig just pulled off a smoker, veterans laughing and cutting up with each other. TJ sees me and introduces me to everyone and said Rennie is running for the US Senate and wants to know how we feel about the VA and why the suicide rate is so high. The room immediately turned silent and there was no more laughing and joking.
For almost three hours all I did was listen to story after story and did very little talking myself. As I listened, I tried to look each veteran in the eyes and what I saw in their eyes said more than what some were saying at times. What I saw in their eyes was neglect and a feeling of being unappreciated or that’s the way I felt anyway. These people VOLUNTEERED to protect our country and have gone through things that we can’t even begin to imagine. When they come home or need help, they shouldn’t have to wait to see someone for help whether it be physically or mentally. One veteran told me just to have someone to talk to means the world. He said, “I’m not looking for answers, I just want to talk”. I heard about opening the box and sometimes needing help to close it. I met a veteran that went from a pistol in his mouth to being a paster because he decided to call another veteran for help instead of pulling the trigger. Veterans committing suicide in the VA parking lot because they are tired of waiting for help. I heard things I will never forget.
Here are just a few things they said they would like to see done and I don’t think it's too much to ask and really can’t believe it hasn’t been done yet.

1. They would like military doctors and nurses to help them. People that can relate to them and know what they have been through.
2. Reduce the wait times to get help.
3. More communication on where you can go for help and veteran organizations around the state that are there to help and be a part of.
4. Have places in the rural areas of the state to go get help not just the big cities.
5. Last but not least, quit making it so hard to get help. Some just quit trying because it's too hard to get help.

My number one thing I talk about at my campaign events is putting America first and stopping our wasteful spending. There is no reason why we can’t train our military to do these VA jobs and give them the pay needed to keep them. When I say put the American people first, I mean it and I think we need to start with our Veterans. Let’s stop the wasteful spending, keep our tax dollars here at home and take care of our own first.
There are numerous veteran organizations throughout the state. Please help spread the word that there is help out there. This is a problem we can fix. Thank you, TJ and Kris, for having me and if there are any other Veteran organizations out there that would like for me to come talk or listen, I’m only a phone call, text or email away.
My email is rennie@rennieforussenate.com and my cell number is (325)205-0090
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5 months ago

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I understand completely what our Vets are stating to you. This is an issue FAR above the service of Veterans Affairs. The VA has several serious challenges: it is not hiring enough and fast enough. It is not paying market-based salaries. It is not doing anything to do away with the Human Resources Modernization Project that has delayed hiring. It is not getting enough funding. It is outsourcing too much veterans’ health care to private-sector providers who are often not equipped to take care of our veterans’ unique needs. In regards to it being the VA’s Dr’s and Nurses lack of relationship and commitment to our Veterans ..it may feel that way, but the employees are silenced and can only attempt so many outlets for assistance and help. As someone who worked for the VA on the medical sector side and served in the position at hand and has a husband who actively serves the Veterans now as a PACT Medical Provider we understand and are just as frustrated at the federal government as the Vets. Did you know that a recent poll was taken (April 2023) amongst Nat’l VA employees and the data taken states 96% of Veterans Health Administration respondents said their facility needs more frontline clinical staff 75% said their facility needs more administrative staff 77% said that there are vacant positions for which no recruitment is taking place 77% reported that their VHA facilities have closed beds, units, and/or programs due to staffing and budget shortfalls 55% said they have less time to deliver direct patient care and support services than they did four years ago 82% said that their work referring, monitoring, and coordinating outside care has increased in the last four years Half of respondents said that the VHA’s centralized HR activities under the new Human Resources Modernization Project has worsened delays in hiring and is contributing to the hemorrhaging of staff. Over 90% said candidates lost interest due to HR delays 62 % of VBA employees are considering leaving their job in the next few years, primarily due to understaffing and unrealistic work metrics. So yes, what the Vets are reporting is absolutely true. What the VA employees are reporting is absolutely true. It is a problem that stems from the very top and trickles to the bottom. It needs to be completely revamped and replaced. Our Veterans deserve the best and our government should make sure that happens. Period. I hope you are able to make a difference.

TJ invited me to come see you but my health is not great lately and i hate to drive out of town. I live in Brownwood. I am a female vet with PTSD-MST. I would love to talk sometime but know your time is valuable. The only psychological help we are getting in Brownwood right now is either civilian (who have never been military) or the local VFW. I wish i could have been there to let you know what females from the Vietnam era went through and are still going through.

Is that a gator dude on that table???

Nice job Rennie Mann. Good Luck to you and go get’em!!

Very awesome! Thanks for putting a spotlight on this important issue. 💕

Good job Rennie. It is so horrible how our veterans are treated. They should get free health care for life

Let’s chat! This is the passion I have…to end suicide for our Veterans (Military& 1st Responders by the way). Awareness is a component, but our focus has been too myopic on thst alone. We literally have 4-5K organizations focused on this area. There are some good programs, but they are disjointed and disconnected. DoD and the VA have done decades of training, studies, standowns, tiger teams, and more. Yet we haven’t moved the needle…gotten worse in sone demographics. Heck, we can’t even count the problem right. Further, the VA changes so much that once you can get behavioral healthcare, it changes so much at times our Vets are having to relive their trauma 3 or 4 times. I personally know of several who’ve ended their lives just because of that. We must do more, but also differently.

Great job Rennie!

Great job Rennie! You have a heart of gold

Huge need. Proud of you

Proud of you Rennie Mann

Scott Fitz y’all should connect about this

Kyle Perry

Jen Concklin Grizzaffi

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I just got this picture from last night. This lady holds a special place in my heart. She’s not only a teacher here in Richland Springs, she’s a rock and someone that everyone in our community looks up to. She’s also Canadian and loves this country just as much if not more than most. Thank you Mrs. Ransom for all you do for me, Richland Springs and R.S.I.S.D.

I just got this picture from last night. This lady holds a special place in my heart. She’s not only a teacher here in Richland Springs, she’s a rock and someone that everyone in our community looks up to. She’s also Canadian and loves this country just as much if not more than most. Thank you Mrs. Ransom for all you do for me, Richland Springs and R.S.I.S.D. ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

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You are quite right young man. She is indeed an awesome lady. Her column is easily one of the favorites in our area as she never fails to mention and solicit prayer for those things dear to her heart.

Very special lady!!! Sorry I missed last night.

Will always be my favorite teacher. Love mrs ransom❤️

Omg love her!!!!! Very special lady! She is amazing!

Rennie Hill Mann for US Senate

Sorry I missed it but my vote is for Rennie Mann

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PO Box 141
Richland Springs, TX 76871
(325) 205-0090